Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting 2023

YWCA Lancaster is on a mission and we’re grateful to have your support. Join us on January 12th for a presentation of the year in review and priorities for 2023 from Board Chairwoman, Deborah Gadsden and CEO, Stacie Blake, with a financial report presentation by Molly Ramos.

Please save the date of January 12th,  from 6pm-7pm to attend YWCA Lancaster’s Annual Meeting, to be held in our historic building and streamed virtually online.

During the Annual Meeting, members will vote on a slate of candidates for the Board of Directors.  We are pleased to present the following candidates for election to the board:

  1. Kira Chatwal
  2. Kristen Mekulsia
  3. Eileen Quinn
  4. Karen King
  5. Robin Goodson
  6. Michele Wherley
  7. Shawna Supplee

As someone who supports the mission of the YWCA Lancaster by contributing your time, talent, and/or financial resources, you are a member and are invited to join the annual meeting. There is no cost to be a member or attend the annual meeting but we ask that you please register in advance!



Annual Meeting

Method of Membership in the YWCA Lancaster
How will you be attending?(Required)