Unite To Heal PA Day of Listening
Join us May 12th, either in person or virtually, for our Unite to Heal PA Day of Listening!
Our Day of Listening will be a BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) hosted and attended event. At our Day of Listening, we would like to hear from our BIPOC community to understand what your concerns and needs are as an individual and community member, and how those needs, and concerns pertain to race.
Please take a moment to fill out and submit our short Listening Survey (attached to this registration). Participation in this survey will allow us to understand the impacts race has had on you and your larger community. The results will help guide our Day of Listening and topics of discussion. We thank you in advance for your time and look forward to seeing you at our Day of Listening!
Use the link here to register: https://tinyurl.com/YWAdvocate
Contact ahosey@ywcalancaster.org for more information.