Scavenger Hunt – Site 6

Thaddeus Stevens and Lydia Hamilton Smith Historic Site

You may or may not be following the stories about this location. Patiently waiting for the doors to open and grasp a moment in time. Don’t stray from downtown. This next clue will lead you to a location very close.

This location is home to one of the most powerful congressmen during and after the Civil War who changed the fabric of the United States government, helping to push it towards the promise of equality for all. It is also the historic location and former home to his greatest supporter and closest confidante, a Black woman. 

The Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County restored facades of this house, the Kleiss Tavern, and unearthed thousands of compelling pieces of archaeological evidence pointing to Underground Railroad activity used to shelter escaping slavesWhen you arrive at this location to gather your number, look through the windows and get excited for what is yet to come.   


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