Racial Equity Profile Action Group

The Lancaster County Racial Equity Profile

The Lancaster County Racial Equity Profile is a comprehensive data-driven report that highlights disparities affecting communities of color in areas such as housing, education, income, employment, and health. Developed to provide a clear picture of racial inequities in the region, the Profile serves as a vital tool for understanding the structural challenges that perpetuate inequality.

The Equity Profile Action Group uses the findings from the Profile as the foundation for its advocacy efforts. The group is committed to turning this data into concrete actions that empower the community, inform policymakers, and reshape public systems to advance equity.

Lancaster County Racial Equity Profile

Community Conversations and Advocacy

One of the primary ways the Equity Profile Action Group fosters change is through community conversations that bring together the community with local leaders to discuss the racial disparities identified in the Equity Profile. These conversations offer a safe and inclusive space for participants to share their experiences and propose solutions. By listening to those most affected by inequities, the group ensures that the community’s voice drives their advocacy efforts.

Collaborating for Change

The Equity Profile Action Group works in collaboration with other local organizations, community leaders, and residents to build coalitions for racial justice. By forming partnerships with groups focused on economic justice, healthcare access, housing rights, and education reform, the Action Group amplifies its impact and pushes for comprehensive, systemic change.

Join the Movement

Translating Data into Action

The Equity Profile Action Group’s mission is to bridge the gap between knowledge and action. Through a series of workshops, public forums, and community conversations, the group works to raise awareness about the systemic inequities exposed by the Racial Equity Profile and engages residents in solutions-based discussions. This community-driven approach allows Lancaster residents, particularly those from marginalized communities, to have a voice in the decisions that affect their lives.

Key areas of focus include:

  • Economic Inequality: Addressing the racial wealth gap, employment disparities, and barriers to economic mobility for communities of color.

  • Health Disparities: Advocating for equitable access to healthcare and tackling the disproportionate health outcomes faced by racial and ethnic minorities.

  • Housing Justice: Promoting fair housing practices and ensuring equitable access to affordable, quality housing.

  • Educational Equity: Collaborating with schools to close the achievement gap and ensure that all students, regardless of race, have access to quality education and resources.

Building a More Equitable Future

The Equity Profile Action Group is dedicated to breaking down the systems that perpetuate racial injustice in Lancaster. Through data-driven advocacy, community engagement, and a commitment to accountability, the group strives to create a future where every resident—regardless of race or background—has the opportunity to thrive. By empowering individuals to participate in shaping policies and practices, the group not only highlights the challenges but also drives the solutions that move Lancaster toward racial equity and justice.

Equity Profile Action Group: Driving Systemic Change Through Data and Advocacy

The Equity Profile Action Group is a cornerstone initiative of YWCA Lancaster’s Center for Racial and Gender Equity (CRGE). This dynamic group leverages data and community-driven dialogue to challenge racial disparities and promote equity in Lancaster County. With a focus on translating data from the Lancaster County Racial Equity Profile into meaningful action, the group serves as a catalyst for systemic change across social, economic, and health sectors.