What's your Imperative?

In 1970, YWCA's across the nation passed the One Imperative: a declaration that the most important priority for our associations to focus on to empower women was the elimination of racism, where ever it exists, by any means necessary. More than 50 years later, we are still pursuing that imperative, but we need your voice, your insights, and your dedication to help shape our work moving forward.What is your imperative? What drives you and inspires you to build a just future? Your imperatives are what keeps our mission emergent, dynamic, and steadfast in the face of headwinds at all levels of our society.We're inviting you to share your imperative to help shape our work-- it could be "affordable housing" or "supporting survivors", "good quality jobs" or "thriving wages". Whatever it is that drives you to build a just future, we want to support that work, as we always have, since 1889.Check out what your community has been saying below, and submit your Imperative today! And be sure to give EXTRA to YWCA Lancaster on November 17!


Four ways to catch YWCA Lancaster on ExtraGive day!


[VIDEO] Check out the 2023 Women of Achievement Honorees!